ES 10 Infoceutical has been designed to unblock energy fields compromised by stress and visual issues and spport relief from stress caused by exposure to a sight that provokes strong emotional responses. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may come under this..
This Energetic Star is bioenergetically associated with two principal issues: stress and interpretation of visual patterns. If you cannot see things well enough, your survival is threatened. According to bioenergetics, stress and the inability to take in visual information are related, and they correlate to functional problems with the visual cortex and thalamus. From the bioenergetic perspective, stress also may be defined as the failure of the body to create a coherent Big Body Wave.
ES 10 Infoceutical has been designed to unblock energy fields compromised by stress and visual issues.
ES 10 Infoceutical may bioenergetically support relief from stress caused by exposure to a sight that provokes strong emotional responses. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may come under this category.
ES 10 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically support correct visual perception and aid those with learning difficulties who need to process visual information more quickly.
The following areas of the brain are bioenergetically linked with this Star: optic cortex, optic thalamus, motor neurons (but not motor cortex) and the optic interpretation center of cortex.