Brain Stem Hologram Infoceutical
Brain Stem Hologram (BSH) Infoceutical
For the integration of Brainstem, Heart and Matrix.
The BSH Infoceutical has been developed to resolve emotional shock conflicts in the Brain Stem holographic field.
The Brain Stem Hologram relates to the oldest part of the brain, and is linked energetically to endodermal tissues with which the brain stem developed. The Brain Stem Hologram relates to shock and conflict around themes of survival, existence, and family.
The Brain Stem Hologram Infoceutical and other infoceuticals are most effective when used in conjunction with the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system and working with a qualified provider on your targeted dietary and lifestyle program.
Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic uses the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system because they are the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When body’s energy and communication field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.
At Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic, we use the NES Health scan (both remote and in office) and MiHealth device to assess and correct the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy. We combine the NES Health bioenergetic system scans and infoceuticals with a dietary and lifestyle program.
If you are interested in obtaining a NES Health scan and creating a targeted program for your health, please leave us a comment or contact our office.
We would love to assist you in your journey towards optimal health!

Tissues matching to BSH are: * Endodermal tissues in general * Kidney tubules * Ileum * Jejunum * Large bowel * Duodenum * Pancreas * Liver * Rectum and its submucosa * Stomach * Acoustic nerves left and right * Pharynx * Oesophagus * Bladder * Lungs * Uterus mucosa * Uterine tube * Prostate This is a great product
Chill Infoceutical
Chill Infoceutical
Helpful where a person’s abilities have become compromised due to constant stress
- Designed to have a mental calming effect by assisting to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data due to overload and emotional tape loops
Emotions form an information network within the body system and strong emotions that continually ‘replay’ themselves (emotional tape loops) may become imprinted into the body structure. These imprinted emotions are draining on the body and may play a significant part in many serious diseases and also sleep loss. The emotional part of the brain works quite slowly, and must be given frequent time out to simply process and reposition data into an organised field.
- The Chill Infoceutical is designed to have a mental calming effect by assisting the cerebral cortex to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data due to overload and emotional tape loops.
- The Chill Infoceutical has been found to be helpful where a person’s abilities have become compromised due to constant stress.
- This Star has proved particularly useful for emotional ‘survival’ and communicates with the desirable mental qualities: Inner peace, happiness, openness, problem solving ability, relaxation after over work and emotional stress due to substance abuse.
- Taken at night, it may be useful for insomnia caused by too many thoughts.
- For highly charged emotional states, higher doses may be necessary.
- A side effect of Chill may be that ideas and problems come to the surface as the client starts to solve problems of an emotional nature.
- Because this is not a sedative Chill can be taken at any time of the day to achieve a measure of relaxation.
The Chill Infoceutical and other infoceuticals are most effective when used in conjunction with the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system and working with a qualified provider on your targeted dietary and lifestyle program.
Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic uses the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system because they are the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When body’s energy and communication field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.
At Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic, we use the NES Health scan (both remote and in office) and MiHealth device to assess and correct the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy. We combine the NES Health bioenergetic system scans and infoceuticals with a dietary and lifestyle program.
If you are interested in obtaining a NES Health scan and creating a targeted program for your health, please leave us a comment or contact our office.
We would love to assist you in your journey towards optimal health!
Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical
Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical
- General relief of fatigue associated with colds and flu
- Supporting the lung and large intestine meridian
The Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the CFI field and its related functions including forming healing messages and providing energetic immunity.
* The CFI field appears to influence the healing of tissues in the respiratory tract especially the nose, throat, lungs, and bronchi. It also links to the large bowel, pleura, larynx, bronchi and sensory cortex.
* The energetic immunity component of the CFI field appears to provide resistance to the viral families Paramyxoviridae, Reoviridae and Clostridium. (Includes – measles, mumps, gastroenteritis, bronchitis).
The Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical and other infoceuticals are most effective when used in conjunction with the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system and working with a qualified provider on your targeted dietary and lifestyle program.
Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic uses the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system because they are the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When body’s energy and communication field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.
At Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic, we use the NES Health scan (both remote and in office) and MiHealth device to assess and correct the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy. We combine the NES Health bioenergetic system scans and infoceuticals with a dietary and lifestyle program.
If you are interested in obtaining a NES Health scan and creating a targeted program for your health, please leave us a comment or contact our office.
We would love to assist you in your journey towards optimal health!
Day Infoceutical
The Day Infoceutical provides support for the body to work with hydration – hydrogen and oxygen supply to the tissues. It aids the body-field in catching photons from sunlight, creating electron flow and current. With the help of DHA in the cell membranes, this energy is stored in all cells of the body including the CSF of the cerebral ventricles. Its BFA content aligns these processes to the nervous system field (earth gravity axis), to the blood field (earth magnetic polar axis) and the connective tissue (earth equatorial axis) with the heart field of the body. Here the three axes cross each other at 90 degree angles. Read the rest of this entry »
EMF- Electromagnetic Frequency & EMF Smog
EMF is designed to help with fatigue associated with the effects of Electro Magnetic Frequencies (E Smog). Works with low frequencies such as main power cables, medium frequencies such as computers, mobile phones, radio transmitters and higher frequencies such as X rays.
- Headaches
- Poor concentration
- Heart palpitations
- Variations in blood pressure, high and low
- Immunity depletion
- Radiation from electro magnetic fields that can interfere with HBF (human big field)
ESR Emotional Stress Release
ESR is correlated bioenergetically with increased processing in the medulla, and thus may help resolve issues by helping to organize incoming data into coherent patterns.
Emotional Stress Release – ESR
The Emotional Stress Release (ESR) Infoceutical has been found to be helpful for relieving general day to day stress.
- Stress results when incoming data is not correctly processed into patterns.
- ESR has the effect of helping the medulla process data faster and thus resolves issues into correct patterns.
- ESR can be used as an aid when an Infoceutical program results in emotional “flair ups” or the person is feeling low during the healing process.
- When a person is “stressed” their ability to absorb food is compromised as is their ability to process thoughts. For this reason ESR has been found helpful in aiding nutrient absorption.
Fat Met – Fat Metabolism
Not an appetite suppressor
- Normalizing liver function
- Normalizing some hormonal activity
- Detoxing nervous system
- Regulation appetite function
- Facilitates the use of fate by the body
Heart Driver
The heart and its driver field are associated with the muscular pumping action that creates a complex double wave
- Dealing with strong emotions
- Decision-making
- Identity, clarity, self confidence and mental integration
ED6 – Heart Driver (Primary driver for the heart and emotions).
The heart and its driver field are associated with the heart’s physical muscular pumping action and the creation of complex double sound waves. There is also a strong emotional content to the heart field. Activity within the heart tissue generates the heart driver field.
- The ED6 Infoceutical has been designed to re-establish integrity to the heart driver field.
- The heart driver field is associated with decision-making processes, identity, clarity, self-confidence and mental integration.
- When damaged, self-esteem can drop to low levels.
- Damage to the heart driver field may affect the sounds of the heart, the pulse and the ability to transfer information around the body.
- The most likely causes of errors in the heart energy field are shock, stress and pollutants. The heart driver field assists with the maturation process of the immune system’s platelets, lymphocytes and monocytes.
- The driver field of the heart is linked with the mid brain and visual and auditory acuity.
- ED6 may be beneficial for hearing acuity and major learning difficulties resulting from autism (particularly linguistic ones).
- Heart energy fields are also affected by the following pollutants, and ED6 has been designed to assist with their removal:
- 4-phenylcyclohexene (carpet backing)
- Dioxane (industrial solvent)
- Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccination
The name means ‘liberation from being trapped in the past’.
It matches with all emotions associated with the Brainstem, Cerebellum, Cerebral Medulla and Cerebral Cortex and removes energy blocks in these areas. It helps ensure that emotions flow in the correct direction within the body-field.
- Liberator has the extremely important function of restoration of information flow between Central Nervous System, the subconscious Matrix and the Heart, where the fields have become misaligned or non-coherent.
- Liberator has been designed to assist where the HBF is imploding due to the inability to take Source Energy inwards generally or at specific locations which may manifest as disease patterns. It also matches with microtubules in the nervous system.
This Infoceutical is considered to be very powerful and should only be used at minimal dose at first. Maximum 6 drops for the first two weeks. Extreme care should be taken when used with psychological conditions.
When we speak of love, we don’t mean the Hollywood interpretation of love as seen in the movies!
- Unity
- Balance
When love is in balance you are in a state of true and unconditional love, and you do what is right for everyone involved, this includes yourself!
- Love in this context is referring to a unity connection with everything. It is not just the realization that we are all one, it is also the feeling that we are too.
- When love is in balance a state of true and unconditional love is experienced.
- This Infoceutical is designed to help bring balance to the state of oneness of love which relates to the crown chakra.
One of the imbalances can be loving too much. You might find others taking advantage of you and that you end up giving more than you receive.
The other side of this is being unable to receive love from others. You may feel cut off from source, disconnected, or lacking in any strong positive emotional feelings. It is the opposite of unity.
A further imbalance of this characteristic is not being able to give love. Many people withhold love because of fear. While there are those who believe that it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, people who withhold love express the opposite.