ET 15 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically stimulate the thymus and the elimination functions of the kidney and bladder energetic systems.
Energetic Terrain 15 – (General Environmental Terrain [GET])
The ET 15 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 15 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 15 Energetic Terrain is correlated generally with the entire body.
ET 15 Infoceutical is designed as a general ET Infoceutical. It should be used only as a supplementary option for complex ETs when they will not respond to the specific ET Infoceuticals.
ET 15 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically stimulate the thymus and the elimination functions of the kidney and bladder energetic systems. Some clients report that their chronic back and neck aches of muscular origin respond well to GET.
Extra fluids are recommended while taking ET15 Infoceutical.