The Type 2 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow and to a poorly functioning immune system.
Energetic Terrain 2 – (Immunity 2)
The ET 2 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 1 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 2 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow and to a poorly functioning immune system.
Energetic Terrains of Type 1, 2 and 3 may correlate with the energetic component of the Retrovirus family (RNA viruses), of which a subset is Lentivirus, which can cause multi-organ diseases characterized by long incubation periods and persistent infection.
The Type 2 ET links bioenergetically to slightly different forms of Lentivirus than does the Type 1 ET.