“How the Asyra assessment and the personalized Homeopathic remedy improved my health.”

From the first week after beginning treatment with the homeopathic created by Dr Lachman, my health has been turned around. I was very much a skeptic when I took the Asyra test at the county fair. I became an AMAZED skeptic very quickly, as I viewed the results of my test on my assessment sheet. That machine knew things about me that NO HUMAN has ever known. Clear down to the fact that I have TMJ. It pinpointed my extremely poor circulation due to Reynaud’s Syndrome. It revealed the fact that the only normal hormonal function in my entire body was being performed by my thyroid gland, to the point that I would go for weeks and months at a time desperate for sleep. Seeing a medical Doctor had had no effect. The Asyra machine even told me I had a problem with shortness of breath, which I hadn’t even noticed, until after the test. Needless to say, I was blown away. Three days after beginning the homeopathic treatment, I began to notice my jaw muscles were trying to loosening up. After several days they became totally relaxed. After a week on the homeopathic, I began sleeping better every night. All of a sudden, I realized that I was sleeping like a normal human being. After several weeks, the numbness that extended from my elbows to my fingertips started lessoning and my Reynaud’s attacks became les frequent and less severe. If I did have an attack, my circulation was able to restore itself to my fingertips when I warmed my hands up, which was very difficult and quite frightening before treatment. I thank God Dr Lachman encouraged me to take his Asyra test and I thank God for the results.
From the first week after beginning treatment with the homeopathic created by Dr Lachman, my health has been turned around. I was very much a skeptic when I took the Asyra test at the county fair. I became an AMAZED skeptic very quickly, as I viewed the results of my test on my assessment sheet. That machine knew things about me that NO HUMAN has ever known.
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