ES 8 Chill
ES 8 Infoceutical is designed to have a mental calming effect by bioenergetically assisting the cerebral cortex to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data. Backlogs may result from sensory or emotional overload and/or from emotional tape loops.

Emotions form a bioenergetic information network within the body system, and particularly strong emotions that continually ‘replay’ themselves (emotional tape loops) may become imprinted into the body structure. From a bioenergetic perspective, these imprinted emotions are draining on the body and may play a significant role in pathology. Because the emotional part of the brain works more slowly than other aspects of the brain, it must be given frequent ‘time outs’ to process and reposition data into an organized field.
ES 8 Infoceutical is designed to have a mental calming effect by bioenergetically assisting the cerebral cortex to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data. Backlogs may result from sensory or emotional overload and/or from emotional tape loops.
ES 8 Infoceutical may also bioenergetically link to emotional survival skills, through its support of desirable mental qualities such as inner peace, happiness, and openness; through its link to problem-solving skills, ability to relax after overwork, and ability to handle emotional stress due to substance abuse. Generally, this Infoceutical may bioenergetically support a person whose abilities have become compromised due to constant stress.
When clients appear to be in a highly charged emotional state, a higher number of drops may be appropriate.
Some clients report that as they take the ES 8 Infoceutical, ideas, problems and thoughts that were unconscious rise to awareness and they are better able to deal with issues and solve problems of an emotional nature.
ES 8 Infoceutical can be taken at any time of the day and correlates to a feeling of increased relaxation. However, when taken in the evening, this Infoceutical may bioenergetically help relieve insomnia that is caused by overactive or ‘runaway’ thoughts.
ES 9 Shock – Audio processing
ES 9 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically correct the integrity to the body’s information structure by unblocking significant traumatic memories and support auditory perception and interpretation, including in learning difficulties

Energetic Star 9 – (Shock – Audio processing)
This Energetic Star is bioenergetically associated with two principal issues: traumatic shock and blocks in the hearing process resulting in slow childhood development. According to NES theory, traumatic shock may cause temporary collapse of the body-field’s information structure. If traumatic shock is deeply imprinted in the body cells, it may significantly affect a person’s abilities. Generally speaking, the most pronounced manifestation of shock is often the disconnection between hearing and speech (such as when people report that they were ‘shocked speechless’) Correction of imprinted shock is a high priority for the body.
ES 9 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically correct the integrity to the body’s information structure by unblocking significant traumatic memories.
ES 9 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically support auditory perception and interpretation, including in learning difficulties due to auditory issues.
This Energetic Star is bioenergetically linked to many types of physical shocks, including birth trauma, electrical, insulin, chemical, sexual, toxic and surgical trauma, as well as emotional and other types of non-physical shocks, such as financial.
The following brain areas form bioenergetic links with this Star:
Temporal lobe – hearing interpretation center
Broca’s speech center – language comprehension, self- expression difficulties
Gyrus uncinatus – sensory, olfactory, and recognition of familiar objects
Corpus callosum- left/right hemisphere integration
One of the features of shock is that it often involves the interruption of the low-frequency sound waves of the brain. Therefore, from a bioenergetic perspective, chronic exposure to chaotic sound may cause shock on its own.
The use of this Infoceutical might complement the use of sound therapy for a variety of mental troubles.
ESR Emotional Stress Release
ESR is correlated bioenergetically with increased processing in the medulla, and thus may help resolve issues by helping to organize incoming data into coherent patterns.
Emotional Stress Release – ESR
The Emotional Stress Release (ESR) Infoceutical has been found to be helpful for relieving general day to day stress.
- Stress results when incoming data is not correctly processed into patterns.
- ESR has the effect of helping the medulla process data faster and thus resolves issues into correct patterns.
- ESR can be used as an aid when an Infoceutical program results in emotional “flair ups” or the person is feeling low during the healing process.
- When a person is “stressed” their ability to absorb food is compromised as is their ability to process thoughts. For this reason ESR has been found helpful in aiding nutrient absorption.
ESR- Emotional Stress Relief
Not a Chemical Sedative or Stimulant
- Episodes of stress
- Physical exercise
- Excessive mental exercise
- Stressful situations
- Too stressed to eat
- Some stress headaches
- Temporary Stress

ESR is correlated bioenergetically with increased processing in the medulla, and thus may help resolve issues by helping to organize incoming data into coherent patterns.
Emotional Stress Release – ESR
The Emotional Stress Release (ESR) Infoceutical has been found to be bioenergetically beneficial in helping to relieve general day-to-day stress.
From a bioenergetic perspective, stress occurs when incoming data are not correctly processed into cohesive patterns.
ESR is correlated bioenergetically with increased processing in the medulla, and thus may help resolve issues by helping to organize incoming data into coherent patterns.
ESR can be used as bioenergetic support when an Infoceutical protocol results in emotional flare-ups or when the client is feeling low during the healing process.
When a person is stressed, his/her ability to absorb food may become compromised. ESR has been found to be helpful in bioenergetically aiding nutrient absorption processes.
ET 0 (CNF)
ET 0 (Central Nervous System) is bioenergetically linked to tissues of the midbrain, auditory nerve, thalamus, optic thalamus, medulla oblongata, inner testes, renal tubules, myocardium and all sphincter muscles.

The ET 0 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 0 Energetic Terrain.
This Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically linked to tissues of the midbrain, auditory nerve, thalamus, optic thalamus, medulla oblongata, inner testes, renal tubules, myocardium and all sphincter muscles.
Energetic Terrain Type 0 may link with the energetic component of specific viruses and multiple vaccines, particularly live-virus vaccines.
Type 0 ET may be bioenergetically correlated to global developmental disorders and learning difficulties in children, and autism in young adults.
Type 0 ET may be bioenergetically correlated to various inflammatory responses set up in the brain due to exposure to certain viruses or live innoculants known to cause long-term autoimmune responses.
ET 1 Immunity 1
The Type 1 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow and to a poorly functioning immune system.

The ET 1 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 1 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 1 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow and to a poorly functioning immune system.
Energetic Terrains of Type 1, 2 and 3 may correlate with the energetic component of the Retrovirus family (RNA viruses), of which a subset is Lentivirus, which can cause multi-organ diseases characterized by long incubation periods and persistent infection.
The Type 1 ET links bioenergetically to slightly different forms of Lentivirus than does the Type 2 ET.
ET 10 Liver 1
This ET appears to link with the energetic component of the entire Picornaviridae viral family, which may affect liver function.

Energetic Terrain 10 – (Liver 1)
The ET 10 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 10 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 10 Energetic Terrain is bionergetically correlated with the liver, chest and gastro-intestinal tract.
This ET appears to link with the energetic component of the entire Picornaviridae viral family, which may affect liver function. It also includes some Rhinoviruses, which cause the flu; and Coxsakie viruses and Adenoviruses (infantile gastro-enteritis and respiratory tract infections).
ET 11 Liver 2
This ET links with the energetic component of the Hepadnaviridae viral family, which may affect liver function.

Energetic Terrain 11 – (Liver 2)
The ET 11 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 11 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 11 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates with the liver and large bowel.
This ET links with the energetic component of the Hepadnaviridae viral family, which may affect liver function.
ET 12 Liver 3
The Type 12 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates wtih the liver and large bowel.

Energetic Terrain 12 – (Liver 3)
The ET 12 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 12 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 12 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates wtih the liver and large bowel.
This ET links with the energetic component of Flaviviridae, which may affect liver function.
ET 13 Fungal
This ET appears to link with the energetic components of yeasts, molds, fungi, and members of the protozoan family.

Energetic Terrain 13 – (Fungal)
The ET 13 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 13 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 13 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates with the blood, large bowel, chest cavity, pancreas, bone tissue, nasal passages, ears and various neurons of the brain.
This ET appears to link with the energetic components of yeasts, molds, fungi, and members of the protozoan family.
This ET correlates to blood-born pleomorphic organisms.
This ET also bioenergetically correlates to many different types of problems, from hyperactive thinking to depression to diseases that may cause paralysis.
NES research indicates that this ET, and through it the energetic link to various organisms and microbes, correlates to severe upset in the central nervous system. Change is slow in this system, so this Infoceutical may need to be used for an extended period of time. However, even if there is suspicion that the client has problems related to the neurons, he or she may need a single use of this Infoceutical only every few weeks.
This Infoceutical is potentially the strongest of all the ET Infoceuticals, so start with a minimal number of drops.