ED 14 Spleen Driver

Primary Energetic Driver for spleen and cellular (specific resistance) immunity. ED 14 Infoceutical bioenergetically addresses issues of the spleen, omentum and thymus fields and correlates to their function of long-term antibody formation and immunity.

Energetic Driver 14 – Spleen Driver – Primary Energetic Driver for spleen and cellular (specific resistance) immunity.

The spleen has three primary functions: phagocytosis (ingestion) of older erythrocytes (red blood cells), blood regulation, and, most importantly, producing lymphocytes (white blood cells) and plasma cells, hence making antibodies for protection against specific organisms. This Driver also links to the thymus (and its role of producing long-term antibodies) and the omentum (a type of mesenteric sheet that lines the abdomen).

The Spleen Driver field specifically is bioenergetically associated specifically with the thymus functions of elaborating T-lymphocyte cells (concerned with recognition and rejection of foreign tissue and particles in the blood stream), T-helper cells (amplify antibody production), T-suppressor cells (reduce overactive immune function), and Natural Killer (NK) cells (destroy invading antigens).

The omentum, which this Driver field links to, has a immune function specifically for the peritoneal cavity and is most active if there is peritonitis. It supplies leucocytes to the cavity and is so dynamic that it will even engulf and seal off contaminated areas of the cavity with collagen.

The Spleen Driver field also bioenergetically correlates to enhanced resistance against molds, parasites, autoimmune issues and allergic responses.

The Spleen Driver field is bioenergetically associated with the maturation of myelocytes (cells in the bone marrow).

ED 14 Infoceutical bioenergetically addresses issues of the spleen, omentum and thymus fields and correlates to their function of long-term antibody formation and immunity.

ED 14 Infoceutical correlates bioenergetically with increased integration of two hemispheres of the brain and may be beneficial in bioenergetically addressing issues of learning and emotional difficulties.

Price: $35.50

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