ES 4 Triple Cavity

The ES 4 Infoceutical is designed to have a bioenergetic regulating effect on the primary cavities.

Energetic Star 4 - (Triple Cavity) According to NES theory, the body is powered and energized biochemically by sugars and by 'Source' energy. Source energy may be correlated to zero-point energy. It is stored and accumulated in body cavities, particularly the primary cavities of the cranium, chest and abdomen. When these cavities are under-functioning and not communicating properly, energy depletion may be experienced. The ES 4 Infoceutical is designed to have a bioenergetic regulating effect on the primary cavities. o The cranial cavity houses the pituitary and thalamus glands. o The thoracic cavity houses the thymus and heart. o The abdominal cavity houses the suprarenal glands, digestive glands and gonads. According to NES theory, for the endocrine glands to function correctly, the associated cavity must properly and efficiently store and accumulate Source energy. The thyroid and parathyroid are located between the cranium and thoracic cavity. When these primary cavities bioenergetically function correctly, these 'border' glands are likely to benefit. Re-establishing Source energy integrity correlates to improved quality of mental functioning, increasing the potential for quicker thought processes, better sleep and the easing of depression (from a bioenergetic perspective, depression can be thought of as stuck energy; Source energy is required to get that bio-energy moving again). It is believed that Source energy may be severely depleted in cavities because of overexposure to air conditioning, chronic shallow or improper breathing, and/or lack of regular gentle exercise. Generally the ES 4 Infoceutical is a well tolerated; however, some clients report an initial bioenergetic 'detoxification' reaction.

Price: $35.50

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