ET 15 General Environmental Terrain
ET 15 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically stimulate the thymus and the elimination functions of the kidney and bladder energetic systems.

Energetic Terrain 15 – (General Environmental Terrain [GET])
The ET 15 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 15 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 15 Energetic Terrain is correlated generally with the entire body.
ET 15 Infoceutical is designed as a general ET Infoceutical. It should be used only as a supplementary option for complex ETs when they will not respond to the specific ET Infoceuticals.
ET 15 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically stimulate the thymus and the elimination functions of the kidney and bladder energetic systems. Some clients report that their chronic back and neck aches of muscular origin respond well to GET.
Extra fluids are recommended while taking ET15 Infoceutical.
ET 2 Immunity 2
The Type 2 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow and to a poorly functioning immune system.

Energetic Terrain 2 – (Immunity 2)
The ET 2 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 1 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 2 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow and to a poorly functioning immune system.
Energetic Terrains of Type 1, 2 and 3 may correlate with the energetic component of the Retrovirus family (RNA viruses), of which a subset is Lentivirus, which can cause multi-organ diseases characterized by long incubation periods and persistent infection.
The Type 2 ET links bioenergetically to slightly different forms of Lentivirus than does the Type 1 ET.
ET 3 Immunity 3
The Type 3 Energetic Terrain correlates bioenergetically to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow. This type of ET is formed when ET Types 1 and 2 exist together. It also correlates to in those with a poorly functioning immune system.

Energetic Terrain 3 – (Immunity 3)
The ET 3 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 3 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 3 Energetic Terrain correlates bioenergetically to the red and yellow parts of the bone marrow. This type of ET is formed when ET Types 1 and 2 exist together. It also correlates to in those with a poorly functioning immune system.
Energetic Terrains of Type 1, 2 and 3 may correlate with the energetic component of the Retrovirus family (RNA viruses), of which a subset is Lentivirus, which can cause multi-organ diseases characterized by long incubation periods and persistent infection.
ET 3 may be associated with both families of Lentivirus (which is linked to ET 1 and ET 2) existing together. ET 3 appears to bioenergetically affect cell growth patterns and may also energetically affect viral fragments from many viral families, including the herpes family (Cytomegaly virus [CMV] and Epstein-Barr virus [EBV]) and adeno virus (EDV).
ET 4 Nervous System
The Type 4 Energetic Terrain correlates bioenergetically with the brain, particularly with the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Energetic Terrain 4 – (Nervous system)
The ET 4 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 4 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 4 Energetic Terrain correlates bioenergetically with the brain, particularly with the central and peripheral nervous systems.
ET Type 4 may correlate bioenergetically to prions, which are incorrectly folded proteins that have infective agents. Although prions may be harmless, the body does try to rid itself of them.
ET 5 Broad Spectrum Virus
This ET also correlates with energetic components of a broad spectrum of viral families.

Energetic Terrain 5 – (Broad Spectrum Virus)
The ET 5 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 5 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 5 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates to the skin and lungs.
This ET also correlates with energetic components of a broad spectrum of viral families. These families may include human papilloma virus, human wart virus, immuno-types of herpes viruses in the family, and many more strains. Viruses of the Bunyavirus family are implicated in many human diseases, and so nearly everybody has the Energetic Terrain of at least one of them.
ET 6 Colds Flu Immunity
The Type 6 Energetic Terrain also correlates to the energetic components of colds, flu and immunity-type viruses.

Energetic Terrain 6 – (Colds Flu Immunity (CFI))
The ET 6 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 6 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 6 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated with the respiratory tract, especially the nose, throat, lungs, and bronchi.
The Type 6 Energetic Terrain also correlates to the energetic components of colds, flu and immunity-type viruses. These are distorted versions of the virus that appear to remain in the body long after the cold has disappeared. From a bioenergetic perspective, it might be that these long-acting viral components contribute to the deterioration of the health in some people.
Some clients report that when they begin the ET 6 Infoceutical, they experience flu-like symptoms for about three days, followed by a general improvement in the state of the chest. The short duration of symptoms distinguishes this bioenergetic effect from an actual cold, which generally lasts from 10 to 14 days. This effect is more common among those people with an already weak immunity to viruses, as residues of past colds and flu may lurk in the chest for years after having them.
ET 7 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The Type 7 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the liver, central nervous system, outer part of the brain, thyroid, pancreas and pituitary.

Energetic Terrain 7 – (CFS)
The ET 7 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 7 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 7 Energetic Terrain is bioenergetically correlated to the liver, central nervous system, outer part of the brain, thyroid, pancreas and pituitary.
This ET appears to be linked with the energetic component of a viral family called Flaviviridae, which includes many types of encephalitis. Research suggests that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may be linked to this viral family.
ET 8 Neuron
The Type 8 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates to the coating of nerve axons, to the bladder and to most tissues found in Energetic Integrator 5.

Energetic Terrain 8 – (Neuron)
The ET 8 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 8 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 8 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates to the coating of nerve axons, to the bladder and to most tissues found in Energetic Integrator 5.
This ET appears to be correlated with energetic components of tandem viral particles (as yet uncategorized) linked together so they can evade the immune systems of the body. These particles may affect the myelin sheath and coatings of the nerve cell.
Some clients report mild effects such as sneezing, headaches, flushes and mucous in the nasal cavity and chest while using the ET8 Infoceutical.
ET 9 Stomach
This ET appears to be associated with the energetic component of the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori (responsible for stomach and duodenal ulcers) as well as many other bacteria that inhabit or infect the gastro-intestinal tract.
The ET 9 field appears to influence the healing of tissues in digestion generally and specifically stomach, duodenum, gall bladder, liver, breast ducts and sensory cortex.

Energetic Terrain 9 – (Stomach)
The ET 9 Infoceutical is designed to address body-field errors associated with the Type 9 Energetic Terrain.
The Type 9 Energetic Terrain bioenergetically correlates to the stomach and duodenum.
It is not uncommon to detect this ET in those clients who report problems with gastric reflux and acid stomach.
The ET 9 field appears to influence the healing of tissues in digestion generally and specifically stomach, duodenum, gall bladder, liver, breast ducts and sensory cortex.
* When this terrain is detected the client may be experiencing gastric reflux and acid stomach.
* The energetic immunity component of the ET 9 field appears to provide resistance to the viral family Parvoviridae (associated with haemolytic anaemia and rashes). It also appears to resist the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori (responsible for stomach and uodenal ulcers) as well as many other bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. All members of the Salmonella family may also be linked with this terrain’s energetic immunity.
Fat Met – Fat Metabolism
Not an appetite suppressor
- Normalizing liver function
- Normalizing some hormonal activity
- Detoxing nervous system
- Regulation appetite function
- Facilitates the use of fate by the body