ES 13 C-O-H Metabolism
ES 13 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetially support the metabolism of C, O and H and the production of biochemical energy.

Energetic Star 13 – (C-O-H Metabolism )
The elements of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen (C, O & H) are found in many molecules of the body. They play a fundamental role in the body’s biochemical energy production mechanisms, being present in sugars, carbohydrates and fats. Energetic Star 13 correlates bioenergetically with metabolism and the production of energy generally. It also correlates bioenergetically with the Krebs Cycle (citric acid cycle), which appears to go wrong in a remarkable number of different diseases. This Star also links at a bioenergetic level to lactic acid production in muscles and to blood sugar regulation, and so by extension to the pancreas. In addition, ES 13 correlates to calcium metabolism, and so this Star may appear in a report when calcium stones may be present in organs.
ES 13 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetially support the metabolism of C, O and H and the production of biochemical energy.
ES 13 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically support the excretion of cell toxins that result from incorrect cellular metabolism. Therefore, it bioenergetically supports cellular respiration.
ES 13 Infoceutical may bioenergetically address toxicity issues, especially those related to inhaled hydrocarbons (combustion fumes) and tobacco smoke.
NES theory suggests that a person’s inability to digest carbohydrates and a lack of energy in the joints may contribute to arthritis. The ES 13 Infoceutical may bioenergetically support the energizing of joints; however, in some clients its use may stimulate joint aches for a few days.
Some clients report a ‘healing reaction’ when using this Infoceutical, especially if their metabolism is not functioning correctly. Extra fluids are always needed with this Star.
Some clients report earaches and sore eyes, and even overall body aches, when first using this Infoceutical, but generally these last for only a few days. They may also report that their joints feel achy, especially those that have been previously injured.
The body dislikes rapid changes in blood sugar level, so if you have a history of variable blood sugar, you must be monitored professionally.
ES 14 Cell Metabolism
ES 14 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically shift blockages linked to excess environmental toxins and to bioenergetically assist the survival of cells.

Energetic Star 14 – (Cell Metabolism)
Cells prefer to operate in a toxin-free environment, but the reality is that our modern environment contains many chemicals that are hostile to cellular activity. If environmental toxins build up in the body, they will inhibit the ability of cells to metabolize and function correctly.
ES 14 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically shift blockages linked to excess environmental toxins and to bioenergetically assist the survival of cells.
ES 14 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically correct body-field errors from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).
ES 14 Infoceutical also is designed to bioenergetically support the body’s natural detoxification processes in relation to a broad range of toxins including azo dyes, benzols, captan, car exhaust fumes, DDT, some fungicides, some pesticides, some dioxins, methyl mercury, methyl tin, nitrites, PCPs, vinyl acetates and chlorides.
When using this Infoceutical, your client should drink large amounts of water. To support cleansing, he/she may want to consider using antioxidants and vitamin supplements, and eating organic root vegetables such as yams, carrots and beetroot. However, do not provide nutritional counseling unless you are qualified to do so.
When dealing with issues of detoxification, from both the physical and bioenergetic perspectives, it is always a good idea to be cautious. Cleansing may take months and may increase feelings of fatigue as it occurs. The best approach is to go slowly.
For clients who live in metropolitan, industrial or agricultural areas, where pollution is high, use a lower number of drops over a longer period of time. Too high a number of drops given too quickly may exacerbate reactions.
ES 15 Heavy Metals Detox
ES 15 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically address issues of heavy metals that have become incorporated into the circulatory system, body organs and nervous system. It specifically links bioenergetically to the residues of lead salts,

Energetic Star 15 – (Heavy Metals Detox )
Heavy metals in the body can have a significantly detrimental effect on both cellular functions and energetic processes, and on the body-field as a whole.
ES 15 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically address issues of heavy metals that have become incorporated into the circulatory system, body organs and nervous system. It specifically links bioenergetically to the residues of lead salts, cadmium salts and mercury salts.
ES 15 Star may have to be used for several months and may complement other methods of addressing the excretion of heavy metals from the body.
ES 2 Memory Imprinter
ES 2 Infoceutical is designed to energize and re-establish the process of energetic recording of data for later recall by the body.

Energetic Star 2 – (Memory Imprinter )
In biochemical terms, memory is not well understood. But NES research indicates that memory is formed at least in part from stored magnetic messages imprinted onto the fats of the brain and also all over the body. These messages or memories contain bioenergetic information fundamental to our sense of identity: who we are and what we are doing here. On a bioenergetic level, they appear to act as homeostatic operating instructions for metabolic processes, heart rate, hormonal levels, etc.
Memory is an aspect of learning, and how well information is recalled is a sign of health. Learning processes bioenergetically correlate to the heart’s ability to imprint information into fats.
ES 2 Infoceutical is designed to energize and re-establish the process of energetic recording of data for later recall by the body.
ES 2, as correlated to memory, may bioenergetically stimulate learning skills, relieve mental lethargy, improve mathematical skills, enhance memory and increase the person’s confidence to be who he/she really is.
ES 3 Nerve Function
The ES 3 Infoceutical is designed to both bioenergetically re-energize the nervous system and aid the re-establishment of CNS function; it also bioenergetically benefits the axon, neuron, dendrites and neurotransmitters.

Energetic Star 3 – (Nerve Function)
The nervous system forms a fundamental part of both the real and energetic body. Nerve damage through trauma and toxins, especially heavy metals, is detrimental to both systems. The nervous system performs among the most important energetic functions of the body, so the correction of distortions in the nerves is given very high priority by the body.
The ES 3 Infoceutical is designed to both bioenergetically re-energize the nervous system and aid the re-establishment of CNS function; it also bioenergetically benefits the axon, neuron, dendrites and neurotransmitters.
ES 3 Infoceutical may bioenergetically assist with neural cell regeneration and the excretion of toxins, particularly heavy metals, that may be affecting the nervous system. Heavy metals in the head may greatly increase the negative bioenergetic effects from electromagnetic fields.
ES 3 Infoceutical has also been designed to bioenergetically address triglyceride (nerve fats) issues, including detoxification and metabolism.
ES 3 Infoceutical has also been designed to bioenergetically address distortions in the nerve field correlated to molds, fungi, protozoa and yeast. These correlations may include motor and sensory neurons, and neuron pain.
Some clients report a temporary period of ‘detoxification’ when using the ES 3 Infoceutical. They have noted discharges at the back of the nose and mouth during the night. Extra water intake is recommended.
Because the nerve endings assist in the production of hormones and enzymes all over the body, the ES 3 Infoceutical may support corrective bioenergetic hormonal regulation, especially during menopause.
ES 4 Triple Cavity
The ES 4 Infoceutical is designed to have a bioenergetic regulating effect on the primary cavities.

Energetic Star 4 – (Triple Cavity) According to NES theory, the body is powered and energized biochemically by sugars and by ‘Source’ energy. Source energy may be correlated to zero-point energy. It is stored and accumulated in body cavities, particularly the primary cavities of the cranium, chest and abdomen. When these cavities are under-functioning and not communicating properly, energy depletion may be experienced. The ES 4 Infoceutical is designed to have a bioenergetic regulating effect on the primary cavities. o The cranial cavity houses the pituitary and thalamus glands. o The thoracic cavity houses the thymus and heart. o The abdominal cavity houses the suprarenal glands, digestive glands and gonads. According to NES theory, for the endocrine glands to function correctly, the associated cavity must properly and efficiently store and accumulate Source energy. The thyroid and parathyroid are located between the cranium and thoracic cavity. When these primary cavities bioenergetically function correctly, these ‘border’ glands are likely to benefit. Re-establishing Source energy integrity correlates to improved quality of mental functioning, increasing the potential for quicker thought processes, better sleep and the easing of depression (from a bioenergetic perspective, depression can be thought of as stuck energy; Source energy is required to get that bio-energy moving again). It is believed that Source energy may be severely depleted in cavities because of overexposure to air conditioning, chronic shallow or improper breathing, and/or lack of regular gentle exercise. Generally the ES 4 Infoceutical is a well tolerated; however, some clients report an initial bioenergetic ‘detoxification’ reaction.
ES 5 Auto-immune
ES 5 Infoceutical has been designed to assist with correcting the considerable energetic disturbances that distorted autoimmune functions generate.

Energetic Star 5 – (Auto-immune)
The immune system is a major defense system of the body and is basically a cell-destroying mechanism. As such, it must be able to distinguish ‘good’ cells from ‘bad’ ones. If this process goes awry, for example through incorrect production of antibodies, then autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions may result.
ES 5 Infoceutical has been designed to assist with correcting the considerable energetic disturbances that distorted autoimmune functions generate.
From a bioenergetic perspective, taking the ES 5 Infoceutical at the time of an allergic reaction may be beneficial, bioenergetically working to lessen symptoms. The Thymus Driver Infoceutical may also correlate to the reduction of long-term allergic issues.
ES 5 Infoceutical may be of bioenergetic benefit for childhood development disorders caused by inflammatory responses in the brain from virus infection or live inoculations.
Response to this preparation needs to be closely monitored. If there are strong reactions, then have your client stop it until symptoms subside.
ES 6 Circulation Lipids
ES 6 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically energize specific parts of the circulatory system to support proper blood flow.

Energetic Star 6 – (Circulation Lipids)
Arteries can become narrowed and blood flow restricted because of various kinds of deposits in the arteries. Energetic Star 6 bioenergetically links to particular arteries where narrowing due to fat accumulation or stenosis due to calcium build-up may cause potential problems. It also energetically links with ligamentous tissues, tendinous tissues, and cartilaginous tissues all over the body, thus potentially affecting, on a bioenergetic level, conditions that may involve these tissues, such as inflammation.
ES 6 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically energize specific parts of the circulatory system to support proper blood flow.
Because of the nature of arterial stenosis, plaque and fat deposits in the arteries, and the generally slow recovery of ligaments and tendons, ES 6 use may be required for several months.
Some clients report temporary ‘detoxification’ symptoms.
ES 7 Muscle Enzyme
ES 7 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically energize the striated muscles (skeletal muscles) and muscle fascia, helping to address any distortions with their metabolism and excretion processes.

The muscle system represents the largest group of tissues in the body (about half the body weight). Metabolic errors in the muscles can bioenergetically correlate to muscle toxin load. There are also bioenergetic links between muscles and basic enzyme functions.
ES 7 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically energize the striated muscles (skeletal muscles) and muscle fascia, helping to address any distortions with their metabolism and excretion processes.
Because this Energetic Star also links with energetic catalysts (communication aids; i.e., GABA, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, melatonin) that tend to malfunction in rapid aging diseases, the ES 7 Infoceutical may be of bioenergetic help.
ES7 Infoceutical bioenergetically correlates to mechanisms that help repair general muscular tissue damage.
It is best to closely monitor your client if this Infoceutical is used for extended periods. Adjust number of drops accordingly for long-term use.
Some clients have reported experiencing headaches and general body aches for a short time after starting this Infoceutical. These may occur in clients of all ages and even from very slight bioenergetic corrections to muscle state. Advise clients to drink plenty of water and monitor them.
ES 8 Chill
ES 8 Infoceutical is designed to have a mental calming effect by bioenergetically assisting the cerebral cortex to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data. Backlogs may result from sensory or emotional overload and/or from emotional tape loops.

Emotions form a bioenergetic information network within the body system, and particularly strong emotions that continually ‘replay’ themselves (emotional tape loops) may become imprinted into the body structure. From a bioenergetic perspective, these imprinted emotions are draining on the body and may play a significant role in pathology. Because the emotional part of the brain works more slowly than other aspects of the brain, it must be given frequent ‘time outs’ to process and reposition data into an organized field.
ES 8 Infoceutical is designed to have a mental calming effect by bioenergetically assisting the cerebral cortex to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data. Backlogs may result from sensory or emotional overload and/or from emotional tape loops.
ES 8 Infoceutical may also bioenergetically link to emotional survival skills, through its support of desirable mental qualities such as inner peace, happiness, and openness; through its link to problem-solving skills, ability to relax after overwork, and ability to handle emotional stress due to substance abuse. Generally, this Infoceutical may bioenergetically support a person whose abilities have become compromised due to constant stress.
When clients appear to be in a highly charged emotional state, a higher number of drops may be appropriate.
Some clients report that as they take the ES 8 Infoceutical, ideas, problems and thoughts that were unconscious rise to awareness and they are better able to deal with issues and solve problems of an emotional nature.
ES 8 Infoceutical can be taken at any time of the day and correlates to a feeling of increased relaxation. However, when taken in the evening, this Infoceutical may bioenergetically help relieve insomnia that is caused by overactive or ‘runaway’ thoughts.