Big Field Aligner (BFA) Infoceutical
The Big Field Aligner (BFA) Infoceutical is designed to address field misalignments between the Earth’s three Big Fields (vertical, polar and equatorial) and the human body-field. Its effect is to stabilize and better organize your Body-Field, so it tends to help you to feel more secure within your physical body. When the Big Field Aligner is shown as a priority on your NES Health scan, using the Big Field Aligner (BFA) Infoceutical to realign your Body-Field helps to make the other Infoceuticals in your protocol more effective. Read the rest of this entry »
Blessed Nourishment — God’s Super Foods (Hard Cover)
The inspiration for Blessed Nourishment exploded upon Dr Lachman’s soul as he visited the incredible land of Israel-a place no one can experience without being changed. Indeed, Dr Lachman found that the Lion of Judah is not silent, instead the vibrant energy of the Promised Land roars with divine creativity. He believes God blessed Israel with an agricultural richness that produces dynamic whole foods, setting the nation apart from others as a land that is truly flowing with milk and honey.
Deuteronomy calls Israel a good land-a land of wheat, barley, vines, figs, pomegranates, olives and honey-in which you may eat bread without scarcity and lack nothing. In Blessed Nourishment you will discover the therapeutic impact of these fruits of the Holy Land. While embracing the miraculous, Blessed Nourishment is intended to be a practical book of biblical health. If you are suffering health issues, this book may just reveal practical biblical foods that might nourish and support your healing process.
Blessed Nourishment is written in an easy-to-read and flowing style. It’s filled with fun stories from Dr Lachman’s life and interesting profiles of Biblical foods.
Brain Stem Hologram Infoceutical
Brain Stem Hologram (BSH) Infoceutical
For the integration of Brainstem, Heart and Matrix.
The BSH Infoceutical has been developed to resolve emotional shock conflicts in the Brain Stem holographic field.
The Brain Stem Hologram relates to the oldest part of the brain, and is linked energetically to endodermal tissues with which the brain stem developed. The Brain Stem Hologram relates to shock and conflict around themes of survival, existence, and family.
The Brain Stem Hologram Infoceutical and other infoceuticals are most effective when used in conjunction with the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system and working with a qualified provider on your targeted dietary and lifestyle program.
Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic uses the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system because they are the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When body’s energy and communication field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.
At Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic, we use the NES Health scan (both remote and in office) and MiHealth device to assess and correct the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy. We combine the NES Health bioenergetic system scans and infoceuticals with a dietary and lifestyle program.
If you are interested in obtaining a NES Health scan and creating a targeted program for your health, please leave us a comment or contact our office.
We would love to assist you in your journey towards optimal health!

Tissues matching to BSH are: * Endodermal tissues in general * Kidney tubules * Ileum * Jejunum * Large bowel * Duodenum * Pancreas * Liver * Rectum and its submucosa * Stomach * Acoustic nerves left and right * Pharynx * Oesophagus * Bladder * Lungs * Uterus mucosa * Uterine tube * Prostate This is a great product
Cerebral Medulla Hologram (CMH) Infoceutical
Cerebral Medulla Hologram (CMH) Infoceutical
For integration of Cerebral Medulla, Heart and Matrix.
The Cerebral Medulla Hologram (CMH) Infoceutical has been developed to resolve emotional shock conflicts in the Cerebral Medular holographic field.
The Cerebral Medulla Hologram Infoceutical has been developed to assist in the correction of:
* Loss of control by the Morphic field of these tissues
* Chronic inflammation of these tissues due to no known factor
* Cessation of organ function due to no known factor
* Asthma, emotional shock and stenosis as a reaction to shock.
Chill Infoceutical
Chill Infoceutical
Helpful where a person’s abilities have become compromised due to constant stress
- Designed to have a mental calming effect by assisting to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data due to overload and emotional tape loops
Emotions form an information network within the body system and strong emotions that continually ‘replay’ themselves (emotional tape loops) may become imprinted into the body structure. These imprinted emotions are draining on the body and may play a significant part in many serious diseases and also sleep loss. The emotional part of the brain works quite slowly, and must be given frequent time out to simply process and reposition data into an organised field.
- The Chill Infoceutical is designed to have a mental calming effect by assisting the cerebral cortex to process backlogs of emotional and sensory data due to overload and emotional tape loops.
- The Chill Infoceutical has been found to be helpful where a person’s abilities have become compromised due to constant stress.
- This Star has proved particularly useful for emotional ‘survival’ and communicates with the desirable mental qualities: Inner peace, happiness, openness, problem solving ability, relaxation after over work and emotional stress due to substance abuse.
- Taken at night, it may be useful for insomnia caused by too many thoughts.
- For highly charged emotional states, higher doses may be necessary.
- A side effect of Chill may be that ideas and problems come to the surface as the client starts to solve problems of an emotional nature.
- Because this is not a sedative Chill can be taken at any time of the day to achieve a measure of relaxation.
The Chill Infoceutical and other infoceuticals are most effective when used in conjunction with the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system and working with a qualified provider on your targeted dietary and lifestyle program.
Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic uses the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system because they are the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When body’s energy and communication field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.
At Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic, we use the NES Health scan (both remote and in office) and MiHealth device to assess and correct the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy. We combine the NES Health bioenergetic system scans and infoceuticals with a dietary and lifestyle program.
If you are interested in obtaining a NES Health scan and creating a targeted program for your health, please leave us a comment or contact our office.
We would love to assist you in your journey towards optimal health!
Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical
Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical
- General relief of fatigue associated with colds and flu
- Supporting the lung and large intestine meridian
The Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the CFI field and its related functions including forming healing messages and providing energetic immunity.
* The CFI field appears to influence the healing of tissues in the respiratory tract especially the nose, throat, lungs, and bronchi. It also links to the large bowel, pleura, larynx, bronchi and sensory cortex.
* The energetic immunity component of the CFI field appears to provide resistance to the viral families Paramyxoviridae, Reoviridae and Clostridium. (Includes – measles, mumps, gastroenteritis, bronchitis).
The Cold Flu Immunity (CFI) Infoceutical and other infoceuticals are most effective when used in conjunction with the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system and working with a qualified provider on your targeted dietary and lifestyle program.
Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic uses the NES Health bioenergetic wellness system because they are the leader in bioenergetics: the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. Collectively, these are called the human body-field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When body’s energy and communication field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body in an optimal way and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often begin with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve function of the body-field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.
At Post Falls Naturopathic Clinic, we use the NES Health scan (both remote and in office) and MiHealth device to assess and correct the body’s energy and communication systems. Doing this improves the body’s own ability to heal and stay healthy. We combine the NES Health bioenergetic system scans and infoceuticals with a dietary and lifestyle program.
If you are interested in obtaining a NES Health scan and creating a targeted program for your health, please leave us a comment or contact our office.
We would love to assist you in your journey towards optimal health!
Day Infoceutical
The Day Infoceutical provides support for the body to work with hydration – hydrogen and oxygen supply to the tissues. It aids the body-field in catching photons from sunlight, creating electron flow and current. With the help of DHA in the cell membranes, this energy is stored in all cells of the body including the CSF of the cerebral ventricles. Its BFA content aligns these processes to the nervous system field (earth gravity axis), to the blood field (earth magnetic polar axis) and the connective tissue (earth equatorial axis) with the heart field of the body. Here the three axes cross each other at 90 degree angles. Read the rest of this entry »
ED 1 Source Driver
ED 1 Source Driver Infoceutical is the primary catalyst for all bioenergetic and chemical activity in the body. ED 1 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically aid the body in replenishing its Source energy, thereby providing the biophysical impetus for the return to homeostasis.

ED1 – The Source Driver (Master Driver energizes all other Drivers) According to NES theory, Source Driver forms a basic resource for all our energy; it is the vital essence that gives life. It may correlate to zero-point energy and/or may be formed from the virtual paramagnetic ‘confetti’ contained within the cavities of the body. Source is the catalyst for all energetic activities in the body and bioenergetically underlies all chemical activity. Theoretically, nothing can happen without it. Source energy is stored by and accumulates in the cavities of the body. Source energy may be depleted by chronic illness, physical/mental exhaustion, shallow breathing, toxin exposure, stress and malnutrition.
Source energy is stored by and accumulates in the cavities of the body. Source energy may be depleted by chronic illness, physical/mental exhaustion, shallow breathing, toxin exposure, stress and malnutrition.The Source Driver field correlates bioenergetically to reticulo-endothelial cells (which are involved with ingestion of red blood cells, bacteria and foreign colloidal partials) and their formation.
The ED 1 Infoceutical should be given priority attention in the NES protocols. ED 1 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically aid the body in replenishing its Source energy, thereby providing the biophysical impetus for the return to homeostasis. Depletion of Source energy also correlates to bioenergetic issues from bacteria, viruses and fungus. The Source Driver is sometimes referred to as the ‘Master Energy Driver’ or the ‘Driver of the Drivers’ because it directly energizes all the other Drivers. ED 1 Infoceutical correlates to the relief of fatigue that arises from bioenergetic detoxification or “healing reactions”.
The ED 1 Infoceutical should be given priority attention in the NES protocols.
ED 10 Skin Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for skin functions. ED 10 Infoceutical has been designed to energize the Skin Driver field and thus support the skin’s physiological functions.

ED10 – Skin Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for skin functions) The skin is the largest physical organ. Among its major physiological tasks is to aid in respiration processes, in excretion of unwanted products from the body, and with regulation of fluid and mineral balance. It is also acts as a primary barrier between the external and internal environments. Bioenergetically, the Skin Driver field is generated by the movement of molecules through the surface of the skin via respiration and excretion. There also is a bioenergetic link between the Skin Driver field and the mucous membranes of the bowels and lungs, and this field also bioenergetically correlates with the maturation process of megakaryocytes (very large bone marrow cells that release mature blood platelets involved in blood coagulation). In addition, the Skin Driver field interacts with the vertical axis of the big body-field.
ED 10 Infoceutical has been designed to energize the Skin Driver field and thus support the skin’s physiological functions.
ED 10 Infoceutical may assist on a bioenergetic level in the relief of skin conditions and muscular problems.
ED 10 Infoceutical may assist on a bioenergetic level with the removal of metabolic toxins from the body through the skin.
There is a robust bioenergetic link between the Skin Driver and Lung Driver fields, so ED 10 Infoceutical may help address respiratory issues.
ED 11 Liver Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for hepatic functions. The ED 11 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically address distortions in the Liver Driver field, and thus aid the liver’s physiological processes.

ED11 – Liver Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for hepatic functions) The liver is the chemical factory of the body and performs a multitude of vital processes, including metabolizing nutrients, manufacturing hormones and enzymes, generating heat, detoxifying metabolic and ingested toxins, producing bile, storing of fats and carbohydrates, and acting as an immune filter. It is also involved in blood sugar regulation, blood clotting, pH regulation, and more.
Bioenergetically, the Liver Driver field is generated by the actions of the liver cells.
It is bioenergetically correlated with reticulocytes (which are involved in the regeneration of lost blood) and prothrombin (precursor to a blood-clotting agent).
This field may be distorted by ingested toxins, airborne pollutants, heavy metals, food-based toxins, infective agents as well as by stress and a poor quality of sleep.
The ED 11 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically address distortions in the Liver Driver field, and thus aid the liver’s physiological processes.
Although the ED 11 Infoceutical works at a purely bioenergetic level, it should not be used in the first NES visit because it may stimulate ‘detoxification’ reactions.
It also should not be used by those with poorly regulated blood sugar levels, including by those with diabetes mellitus.
ED 11 Infoceutical should never be used in the same protocol with the ED15 (Pancreas Driver) Infoceutical.