ED 7 Lung Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for respiration and energetic movement in the body. The Lung Driver field is bioenergetically correlated not only to a person’s ability to breath properly, but also to his/her growth and development.

ED7 – Lung Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for respiration and energetic movement in the body) The lungs oxygenate blood, excrete CO2 and water, initiate or affect the flow of energy and information through every tissue of the body, and produce sound via the larynx. According to NES theory, these processes combined produce the Lung Driver field, which is itself responsible for activating numerous other energy fields. Airborne toxins (industrial, chemical, agricultural) tend to accumulate in the lungs and so may cause both physical and energetic damage.
The Lung Driver field is bioenergetically correlated not only to a person’s ability to breath properly, but also to his/her growth and development.
The Lung Driver field also correlates to higher mental skills in children, especially as it relates to learning abilities, and to the capacity to achieve ‘higher consciousness’ in adults.
Lung Driver is bioenergetically associated with the maturation processes of the erythroblasts, a type of cell in the red marrow that synthesizes hemoglobin.
Increasing oxygen in the lungs to an optimal level may be of bioenergetic aid in reducing viral infections.
ED 7 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically reactivate correct exchange of gases in the bronchioles, thus fueling biochemical metabolism.
The Lung Driver field does not function well when compromised by the following chemicals or substances, which the ED 7 Infoceutical has been designed to address at the bioenergetic level:
o Butanols (hydrocarbon solvent) o Asbestos o Vaccinations for Influenza (S,A) Polio, BCG(TB), and Yellow Fever
ED 8 Stomach Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for digestive functions. This Driver field bioenergetically reflects the efficiency of the entire digestive process, including absorption and assimilation. It is also energetically correlates to immune system reactions.

ED8 – Stomach Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for digestive functions) The stomach’s primary physiological process is to receive and temporarily store food and drink, and to process them. Its acidic environment kills off microbes and initiates protein digestion. Energetically, the stomach and large intestine are linked. The Stomach Driver field is generated by the interplay of peristaltic movements and chemical reactions involved in the breakdown and absorption of minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates within the GI tract. Because most food today contain traces of synthetic or potentially harmful chemicals, most people’s digestive tracts contain pollutants or toxins that may compromise their Stomach Driver field.
This Driver field bioenergetically reflects the efficiency of the entire digestive process, including absorption and assimilation. It is also energetically correlates to immune system reactions.
NES research indicates that the Stomach Driver field links to muscle stamina, and may be implicated bioenergetically in chronic chest conditions and breathing issues.
The Stomach Driver field is energetically linked to the maturation process of granulocytes (granular white blood cells) and basophils.
ED 8 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Stomach Driver field.
ED 8 Infoceutical may bioenergetically aid in balancing intestinal flora.
The Stomach Driver field may be compromised by undue exposure to the following chemicals or substances, which the ED8 Infoceutical is designed to address at a bioenergetic level:
o Fungicides o Electromagnetic radiation o Heavy metals – antimony, cadmium, lead and arsenic o Hepatitis A and B vaccinations It is best to start the use of this Infoceutical at the lowest number of drops, as it may stimulate a “healing reaction.”
ED 9 Muscle Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for muscle activity. ED 9 Infoceutical bioenergetically supports muscle function in general, and so may be used as a key part of neuromuscular therapy of any type.

ED9 Muscle Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for muscle activity) The muscle system represents the largest group of tissues in the body (about half the body weight). The Muscle Driver field is generated from the activity of muscle extension and contraction. Field errors correlate to restricted or compromised muscle function, and the build-up of toxins in muscles. Since bioenergetic theory posits the physical muscles and the Muscle Driver field, both can store emotional issues and past physical trauma ‘memories’ that may form a foci of chronic health conditions. The Muscle Driver field also bioenergetically correlates to the maturation process of monocyte white blood cells.
ED 9 Infoceutical bioenergetically supports muscle function in general, and so may be used as a key part of neuromuscular therapy of any type.
ED 9 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically address muscle field problems, especially those associated with insufficient oxygen uptake, lead pollution or common microorganisms.
ED 9 Infoceutical may bioenergetically boost the availability of common minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, to the muscles.
ED 9 Infoceutical may bioenergetically aid muscle performance in cases where toxins may be compromising it.
ED 9 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically support muscle field repair and liberate any stored emotions and traumas.
ED 9 Infoceutical may temporarily exacerbate muscle and joint aches in those who have chronic arthritic conditions.
EI 1 Neurosensory – Large Intestine Meridian
Neurosensory – Large Intestine Meridian. The EI 1 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically support the integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 1 – (Neurosensory – Large Intestine Meridian)
Energetic Integrator 1 is bioenergetically correlated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 1 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically support the integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Nervous system
Cranial nerves and sensory receptors
Large intestine function and mineral absorption
Ears Nose Throat
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Frontal brain lobes, cranial nerves, sense organs, spinal nerves, autonomic nervous system.
Large Intestine – Bioenergetic Correlations
Ascending, transverse & descending colon, mesentery.
Other Tissues – Bioenergetic Correlations
Skin/dermis, bronchi: mucosa, paranasal sinus.
Minerals – Bioenergetic Correlations
Iodine, cobalt, molybdenum, boron, sulphur.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
This EI is generally strongly correlated to the emotional states or characteristics of letting go/holding on, organization, hopefulness/fears, consideration/lack of
Bioenergetically distorted by
Butanols (car fuels)
EI 10 Circulation – Heart Protector Meridian
Circulation – Heart Protector Meridian. he EI 10 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 10 – (Circulation – Heart Protector Meridian)
Energetic Integrator 10 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 10 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Circulatory system: arterial and venous.
Neuroendocrine regulation.
Motor, visual and auditory regulation (midbrain).
Anti-inflammatory effects.
Respiratory – Bioenergetic Correlations
Larynx, pharynx.
Digestive – Bioenergetic Correlations
Pylorus, mucous coat of stomach.
Female System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Vagina (also in EI 9), ovary.
Circulation – Bioenergetic Correlations
Venous & arterial circulation.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Sodium, potassium, silicon, nickel.
Neuroendocrine – Bioenergetic Correlations
Hypothalamus, mid-brain (also EI 4), adrenal cortex (corticosterone), adrenal medulla. Ovaries(estradiol, estrone), pregnenolone, GH growth hormone.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Thought processes, thoughtfulness (obsessions, absence of thought)
Bioenergetically distorted by
Shock: Emotional, physical, surgical, chemical. Asbestos, dioxins, PCPs.
EI 11 Bone Marrow – Stomach Meridian
Bone Marrow – Stomach Meridian. The EI 11 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 11 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 11 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Stomach & digestion.
Harbors heavy metals.
Bone marrow.
Male sexual system.
Digestive – Bioenergetic Correlations
Stomach (mucosa, muscles), fundus (HCl), pyloric glands (pepsin), duodenum (mucosa, muscles). Abdominal cavity, muscles of colon, esophagus.
ENT/Respiratory – Bioenergetic Correlations
Maxillary sinuses, bronchi (also EI 4), diaphragm, epiglottis.
Male System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Testicles, lymph vessels to testicles, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotum, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone.
Hemopoietic – Bioenergetic Correlations
Red bone marrow.
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Frontal lobes.
Other Areas – Bioenergetic Correlations
Groin. Muscles on front of the leg. Teeth and gums of lower jaw.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Iron, rubidium, silver, tin, zinc.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Memories flood back excessively, obsessive behavior, memory, spatial awareness, calmness, confidence, benevolence.
Bioenergetically distorted by
Cadmium, led, mercury. Pollutants generally.
EI 12 Shock – Spleen Meridian
Shock – Spleen Meridian. The EI 12 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 12 – (Shock – Spleen Meridian)
Energetic Integrator 12 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 12 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Collapse, shock, exhaustion.
Digestive function, digestive enzymes.
Pancreas: sugar metabolism.
Toxic effects of radiation and radioactive substances.
Pancreas/Spleen – Bioenergetic Correlations
Head and tail of pancreas, pancreatic duct, islets of Langerhans. Spleen (all parts).
Female System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Uterus (all parts), cervix, fetus.
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Corpus callosum, fourth ventricle.
Other Tissues – Bioenergetic Correlations
Lymphatic fluid.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Silver, gold, nitrogen, cesium. All 12 tissue salts
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Pleasure, acceptance.
Bioenergetically distorted by
Ionising radiation, X-rays, microwaves, shock (physical, emotional, chemical), geopathic stress, solvents, fungicides, pesticides.
EI 2 Heart – Lung Meridians
Energetic Integrator 2 – (Heart – Lung Meridians)The EI 2 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 2 – (Heart – Lung Meridians)
Energetic Integrator 2 is bioenergetically correlated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 2 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Cardiac tissue and heart function
Lung physiology and heart-lung interaction
Heart – Bioenergetic Correlations
Most of the heart pericardium, myocardium, endocardium and coronary tissue, and AV/ SA nodes.
Lungs – Bioenergetic Correlations
Generally, most of the lung and pulmonary tissue, including the trachea. Not bronchioles.
Hormones – Bioenergetic Correlations
Estradiol, estrone, pregnenolone.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Self-identity, head and heart conflicts, enthusiasm, love. Exhale/sigh to release emotions.
Bioenergetically distorted by
Organophosphates, pesticides, parasites.
EI 3 Mucous Membranes – Small Intestine Meridian
Mucous Membranes – Small Intestine Meridian. The EI 3 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 3 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 3 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Small intestines, organs and meridian
Calcium metabolism and bones
Mucous membranes of the gut, nose, throat, lungs, etc. Skin.
Skeletal & Calcium – Bioenergetic Correlations
All bones in the body (in relation to calcium) and particularly all vertebra, including the sacrum.
Endocrine – Bioenergetic Correlations
Parathyroid gland and parathyroid hormone.
Lining Tissues – Bioenergetic Correlations
Epithelium (skin), all mucous membranes (nose, throat, bronchi, gut).
Digestive – Bioenergetic Correlations
Ileum, intestinal villi, ileocecal valve, appendix (also EI 5).
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Hydrogen, vanadium, calcium, carbon.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Mental power, concentration, short-term memory, inability to pursue train of thought, forcefulness, industriousness.
Bioenergetically distorted by
Organophosphates, candida, intestinal bacteria.
EI 4 Neurotransmitters – Heart Meridian
Neurotransmitters – Heart Meridian The EI 4 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 4 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 4 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Neurotransmitters & midbrain
Uterus and ovaries
Audio acuity learning
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
All Neurotransmitters. Midbrain (also EI 10), cerebral ventricles, cerebrospinal fluid, speech & auditory centers.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Hydrogen, calcium, fluoride, iron, magnesium, manganese, oxygen, potassium. Hemoglobin.
Lungs – Bioenergetic Correlations
Bronchioles, alveoli.
Genitourinary – Bioenergetic Correlations
Nerves to bladder, uterus, ovaries (also in EI8).
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Holding on (rottweiler attitude), rigid, inflexible, forbearance, industriousness, punctuality, depression, grief.
Bioenergetically distorted by
Fungus, aspergillus, E coli, pharmaceuticals, solvents, acrylamides.