ED 12 Kidney Driver
Primary Driver for renal and adrenal function. ED12 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the Kidney Driver field when it has become depleted, and so it bioenergetically aids the kidneys’ physiological functions.

ED12 – Kidney Driver (Primary Driver for renal and adrenal functions) The kidneys form a vital part of the fluid maintenance and blood pressure mechanisms of the body; however, in the broader sense the kidney system also includes the adrenal glands. Kidney function includes filtering waste from the blood, producing urine, and reabsorbing electrolytes and fluids. They also play an important role in blood pressure regulation and blood cell production.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys store a bio-energy known as jing. In NES, the Kidney Driver field is generated by the kidneys’ physiological functions and the presence of jing.
According to TCM, and as recognized by NES, kidney energy may affect brain cell function and stamina.
The Kidney Driver field bioenergetically correlates with the maturation process of lymphocytes and monocytes (white blood cells).
ED12 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the Kidney Driver field when it has become depleted, and so it bioenergetically aids the kidneys’ physiological functions.
ED 13 Immunity Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for antibody immune functions and non-specific resistance to disease. ED 13 Infoceutical has been designed to restore bioenergetic integrity to the Immunity Driver field, and thus it assists bioenergetically in the generation of…

ED 13 – Immunity Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for antibody immune functions and non-specific resistance to disease)
The immune system protects the body against foreign organisms and toxins and from internal assaults and malfunctions as well. The Immunity Driver field is generated primarily by the action of the bone marrow as it generates immune cells; however, since the spleen drives the creation of immune cells within the bone marrow, its bio-field is also part of the Immune Driver field. Immunity Driver correlates bioenergetically with the maturation of many immune cell types, including myelocytes (bone marrow cells which produce granulocytes that ingest foreign particles), monocytes (which clear dead white blood cells, B lymphocytes (which are involved in antibody reactions), mast cells (with are involved in anticoagulant production), lymph cells of many types, white blood cells of many types, and reticulocytes (immature red blood cells).
ED 13 Infoceutical has been designed to restore bioenergetic integrity to the Immunity Driver field, and thus it assists bioenergetically in the generation of immune cells (which can take from a few days to a month to mature into functional entities).
The bioenergetic effects of ED 13 may take time to become apparent, so this Infoceutical should be used for at least one month at a low number of drops.
Use ED 13 with care as it may induce ‘healing reactions’ as the immune system’s bioenergetic functioning increases.
ED 14 Spleen Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for spleen and cellular (specific resistance) immunity. ED 14 Infoceutical bioenergetically addresses issues of the spleen, omentum and thymus fields and correlates to their function of long-term antibody formation and immunity.

Energetic Driver 14 – Spleen Driver – Primary Energetic Driver for spleen and cellular (specific resistance) immunity.
The spleen has three primary functions: phagocytosis (ingestion) of older erythrocytes (red blood cells), blood regulation, and, most importantly, producing lymphocytes (white blood cells) and plasma cells, hence making antibodies for protection against specific organisms. This Driver also links to the thymus (and its role of producing long-term antibodies) and the omentum (a type of mesenteric sheet that lines the abdomen).
The Spleen Driver field specifically is bioenergetically associated specifically with the thymus functions of elaborating T-lymphocyte cells (concerned with recognition and rejection of foreign tissue and particles in the blood stream), T-helper cells (amplify antibody production), T-suppressor cells (reduce overactive immune function), and Natural Killer (NK) cells (destroy invading antigens).
The omentum, which this Driver field links to, has a immune function specifically for the peritoneal cavity and is most active if there is peritonitis. It supplies leucocytes to the cavity and is so dynamic that it will even engulf and seal off contaminated areas of the cavity with collagen.
The Spleen Driver field also bioenergetically correlates to enhanced resistance against molds, parasites, autoimmune issues and allergic responses.
The Spleen Driver field is bioenergetically associated with the maturation of myelocytes (cells in the bone marrow).
ED 14 Infoceutical bioenergetically addresses issues of the spleen, omentum and thymus fields and correlates to their function of long-term antibody formation and immunity.
ED 14 Infoceutical correlates bioenergetically with increased integration of two hemispheres of the brain and may be beneficial in bioenergetically addressing issues of learning and emotional difficulties.
ED 15 Pancreas Driver
Primary Driver for digestive enzymes and blood sugar regulation.The ED 15 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Pancreas Driver field, and thus it bioenergetically supports pancreatic functions in general.

ED 15 – Pancreas Driver (Primary Driver for digestive enzymes and blood sugar regulation) The pancreas produces a complex cocktail of digestive enzymes, including those that metabolize carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Hormones secreted by glands on the surface of the pancreas play a vital role in blood sugar regulation. Both the digestive and endocrine functions of the pancreas combine to produce the Pancreas Driver field. People with hypoglycemia will often find that Pancreas Driver shows up in their NES test. Bioenergetically restoring the Pancreas Field may help them go longer between meals without feeling queasy.
According to NES research, the pancreas has been shown to commonly harbor Energetic Terrains
The Pancreas Driver field bioenergetically correlates with the maturation process of lymphocytes in the spleen.
The ED 15 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Pancreas Driver field, and thus it bioenergetically supports pancreatic functions in general.
The pancreas is a favored site for most Energetic Terrains, and for this reason the Pancreas Driver often shows up in the NES report. Because the ED 15 Infoceutical may bioenergetically stimulate the elimination of latent or chronic viral conditions, it is not generally recommended during the first visit. It is best to wait until the person’s bioenergetic vitality is more robust.
Do not use the ED 15 Infoceutical in the same protocol with the Liver Driver Infoceutical in the first few visits.
Caution whenever you use the ED 15 Infoceutical in the same protocol with the Liver Driver Infoceutical. Blood sugar levels may vary rapidly. Use minimal dosage.
ED 16 Bone Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for bones and calcium metabol. The ED 16 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Bone Driver field and to bioenergetically support processes involved in the elimination of heavy metals from bone tissue.

ED 16 – Bone Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for bones and calcium metabolism)
The Bone Driver field is generated as compact bone matter is compressed in day-to-day physical activity. Heavy metals (particularly lead, mercury and aluminum) tend to collect in the bones, as many metallic toxins bond with calcium, so the Bone Driver field may be strongly affected by these metals. Bone Driver field correlates bioenergetically to calcium metabolism in muscles (including cardiac muscle) as well as to the bones. The Bone Driver field also correlates bioenergetically with the maturation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) and with the antibody system generally.
The ED 16 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Bone Driver field and to bioenergetically support processes involved in the elimination of heavy metals from bone tissue.
ED 16 may assist bioenergetically in normalizing calcium metabolism. Calcium exists in all cells and is involved in muscular contraction, bioenergetic intercellular communication, the transmission of nerve impulses, hormone release and blood coagulation. Calcium also tends to build up in the arteries and can form ‘stones’ in certain organs or glands.
ED 16 Infoceutical may bioenergetically assist in cases where swelling of the heart has resulted from toxic tissues.
ED 16 Infoceutical may bioenergetically aid the drainage of toxins if they are dumping in the hands and feet.
ED 16 Infoceutical may bioenergetically aid the normalizing of appetite.
Energetic Star 15 (Heavy Metals) Infoceutical may be used to complement the effect of Bone Driver Infoceutical in cases where toxins (metals) in the bones may be correlated to body-field distortions. If using these two Infoceuticals in the same protocol, use ED 16 (Bone Driver) first, followed by ES 15 at least ten minutes later.
ED 2 Imprinter Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for information transfer• ED 2 Infoceutical is designed to restore integrity to the Imprinter Driver field and thus ensure optimal bioenergetic information transfer within the body.

ED2 – Imprinter Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for information transfer) Information transfer is crucial to the correct regulation and maintenance of body activities. The Imprinter Driver correlates to bioenergetic information transfer processes. This Driver field is generated by the bioenergetic processes involved with imprinting nervous system information into the blood via the heart. It also correlates to energetic links with rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes, which are found within cells.
ED 2 Infoceutical is designed to restore integrity to the Imprinter Driver field and thus ensure optimal bioenergetic information transfer within the body.
ED 2 Infoceutical is often called a ‘feel-good’ preparation because on a bioenergetic level it tends to engender positive and uplifting emotions, and facilitate charisma
ED 2 is often used early in the NES protocols because it correlates to proper metabolism through its bioenergetic action on cellular endoplasmic reticulum, whose biochemical functions include protein and lipid synthesis, detoxification, inter- and intra-cellular molecular transportation, conversion of cholesterol to steroids, and foreign protein detoxification.
ED 3 Cell Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for body metabolism. The ED 3 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically stimulate mitochondria to generate energy and facilitate normal cellular respiration and excretion.

ED3 – Cell Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for body metabolism) The generation of biochemical cellular energy and the bioenergetic Cell Driver field are both correlated to tiny structures called mitochondria, which are present in all cells. Cells require energy to perform their activities; without it, they cannot function and will die. Toxins and other environmental factors can disrupt the ability of cells to generate the required energy and function correctly. The liver has the most intense cellular activity, so Cell Driver correlates particularly strongly with this organ at a bioenergetic level, as well as with metabolism in general. Adequate cellular energy is vital for information transfer. The Cell Driver field correlates to bioenergetic communication with mast cells, which are involved biochemically with forming anticoagulants in blood to inhibit clotting in the vessels and with antibody immunoglobulin E (associated with allergic reactions).
The ED 3 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically stimulate mitochondria to generate energy and facilitate normal cellular respiration and excretion. It is bioenergetically linked to processes that facilitate the elimination of dioxins, PCPs, and xylenes, and that address issues of undue exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
ED 3 Infoceutical may bioenergetically relieve some of the effects of geopathic stress.
ED 3 Infoceutical correlates bioenergetically with aiding metabolism generally, particularly that of the liver and its waste excretion processes.
ED 3 Infoceutical can be complemented by the increased intake of antioxidant-rich foods/nutrition supplements, which may help reduce the number of free radicals in the body. However, do not offer nutritional advice unless you are qualified to do so.
ED 3 Infoceutical is reported to ease tiredness and relieve metabolic issues on a bioenergetic level.
ED 4 Nerve Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for nervous system function. The ED 4 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetially address imbalances of delta and alpha waves to promote a feeling of calmness and aid restful sleep.

ED4 – Nervous System Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for nervous system function) The nervous system helps control and integrate all body activities by sensing changes, interpreting them and reacting. It works through complex electrochemical signals and patterns, including brain waves. At a bioenergetic level, these same processes generate the Nervous System Driver field. This field is particularly compromised by the effects of the typical Western lifestyle, which includes constant overstimulation, sensory overload and mental hyperactivity. This hyperstimulation can impact brain wave function, especially upsetting delta waves (deep sleep) and alpha waves (relaxation). The Nervous System Driver field appears to bioenergetically support the maturation process of neuroblasts (embryonic nerve cells).
The ED 4 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetially address imbalances of delta and alpha waves to promote a feeling of calmness and aid restful sleep.
ED 4 Infoceutical promotes the generation and function of the entire nervous system energetic field, which bioenergetically supports correct nervous system function and neurological integrity.
ED 4 Infoceutical helps address problems in the nervous system energy field when it has been adversely energetically affected by the following chemicals or substances:
o Butanols (hydrocarbon solvents) o Chlorpyrifos (common organophosphate pesticide) o Heptane (solvent) o Diphtheria vaccination o Rabies vaccination o Tetanus vaccination
ED 5 Circulation Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for blood health and circulation. The ED 5 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Circulation Driver field.

ED5 – Circulation Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for blood health and circulation) Blood circulation represents the largest physical movement within the body, circulating some 7000 liters (1540 gallons) of blood per day. This movement generates the Circulation Driver field. The state of the Circulation Driver field correlates to the many factors involved in blood production and flow.
The ED 5 Infoceutical has been designed to restore integrity to the Circulation Driver field.
The Circulation Driver field is a bioenergetic indicator of how well the arterial circulation system transfers blood, and thus reveals its ability to transfer oxygen, waste products and information.
Circulation Driver provides a guide to the bioenergetic state of the erythrocytes (red blood cells) and efficacy of oxy-hemoglobin.
From a bioenergetic perspective, blood circulation, and thus the field it generates, can be affected by a person’s emotional state.
The Circulation Driver field also correlates to the state of the nerve plexuses that affect circulation.
ED 6 Heart Driver
Primary Energetic Driver for the heart and emotions. The ED 6 Infoceutical has been designed to re-establish bioenergetic integrity to the Heart Driver field.

ED6 – Heart Driver (Primary Energetic Driver for the heart and emotions) The Heart Driver field bioenergetically correlates to the heart’s physical activities, primarily its muscular pumping action, and to the complex sound waves that result from that activity. Basically, activity within the heart itself generates the Heart Driver field. From a bioenergetic perspective, there is also a strong emotional content to the Heart Driver field.
At the bioenergetic/emotional level, the Heart Driver field correlates with decision-making processes, the sense of personal identity, mental clarity, self-confidence and mental integration. When this Driver field is distorted, self-esteem may suffer.
Distortions in the Heart Driver field may affect the way the heart sounds, the pulse, and the heart’s ability to imprint information.
The Heart Driver field bioenergetically assists with the maturation process of the immune system’s platelets, lymphocytes and monocytes.
The Heart Driver field links with the mid-brain and to visual and auditory acuity.
Shock, stress and the effects of pollutants are the most likely causes of distortions in the Heart Driver field.
The ED 6 Infoceutical has been designed to re-establish bioenergetic integrity to the Heart Driver field.
ED 6 Infoceutical may be beneficial for bioenergetically stimulating hearing acuity and addressing major learning difficulties, especially linguistic ones, as commonly associated with autism.
ED 6 Infoceutical also addresses distortions correlated to the following chemicals or substances, which may bioenergetically compromise the Heart Driver field:
4-phenylcyclohexene (carpet backing)
Dioxane (industrial solvent)
Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccination