EI 5 Lymphatics – Bladder Meridian
Lymphatics – Bladder Meridian The EI 5 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 5 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 5 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Lymph: drainage, nodes and lymphocytes
Hormones: adrenals, pituitary, thyroid
Bladder & male genitalia
Immune System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Lymph vessels and fluid, lymph nodes, tonsils, T- lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes.
Skeletal – Bioenergetic Correlations
All vertebra including sacral (also EI 3), intervertebral discs.
Genitourinary – Bioenergetic Correlations
Bladder: mucosa, muscular coats, sphincter, nerves. Urethra, penis, prostate.
Respiration – Bioenergetic Correlations
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Gray matter (most of brain), cerebella cortex, medulla oblongata, pons, cochlear nerve. Spinal cord.
Digestive – Bioenergetic Correlations
Ileocecal valve, appendix (also in EI 3), gall bladder (also EI 7), teeth (all).
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Timid/sensitive, trust or lack of, grief or lack of, cheerfulness, concentration, ability to focus, trustfulness.
EI 6 Kidney – Kidney Meridian
Kidney – Kidney Meridian The EI 6 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 6 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 6 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Kidney organ, and kidney meridian
Acid-Alkaline or pH regulation
Pineal gland and precursor hormones (DHEA)
Neurological tissue (white matter)
Kidney – Bioenergetic Correlations
Fibrous capsule, glomerulus, renal calyx, renal tubules. Ureters. Blood plasma salts.
Digestive – Bioenergetic Correlations
Sigmoid colon, rectum.
Brain – Bioenergetic Correlations
Cranial cavity (source energy for brain). White matter, thalamus, hindbrain, medulla oblongata (all EIs go here), cerebrospinal fluid.
Endocrine – Bioenergetic Correlations
Pineal gland, androstenadion, DHEA, thymus and serum thymic factor.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Cobalt, copper, germanium, hydrogen, lithium, phosphorus, zinc
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Drive, performance, emotions or lack of, sympathy/animosity, rejection, sentimentality, sexual appeal.
EI 7 Blood Field – Gall Bladder Meridian
Blood Field – Gall Bladder Meridian.The EI 7 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 7 – (Blood Field – Gall Bladder Meridian)
Energetic Integrator 7 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 7 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Blood cell production.
Blood pressure regulation.
Immune activation, T and NK cells
Upper GI digestion, gall bladder function
Motor neurons and gray matter function.
Digestive System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Stomach (muscular coat), duodenum, jejunum, colon (muscular coat), bile ducts, gall bladder, peritoneum, epigastrum.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Antimony, nickel.
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Motor cortex, gray matter of the brain and cord. Sympathetic control of blood pressure.
Hemopoietic System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Hemoglobin (also EI 2, EI 4), blastic cells, natural killer cells, T cells (also EI 5).
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Decisiveness, will power, honesty, loyalty.
Energetically distorted by
Chemicals generally, organochlorides, organophosphates. Blows to the head.
EI 8 Microbes – Liver Meridian
Microbes – Liver Meridian. The EI 8 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 8 – (Microbes – Liver Meridian)
Energetic Integrator 8 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 8 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Energetic Terrains: microbial disease
Vision; eye conditions.
Hormonal components, including estrogens.
Nervous System – Bioenergetic Correlations
Hypothalamus (also EI 10), supraoptic nucleus.
Vision – Bioenergetic Correlations
Iris, retina, center of optic cortex, visual area of the cortex.
Liver – Bioenergetic Correlations
Liver tissue in general.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Hormones – Bioenergetic Correlations
Calcitonin, adrenalin, prolactin, estrogen, estrone.
Chest/Respiratory – Bioenergetic Correlations
Myocardium, diaphragm as a whole, maxillary sinus.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Verbosity, calmness/lack of, elation, tolerance/lack of.
Energetically distorted by
Fungi, candida, mycoplasma.
EI 9 Thyroid – Triple burner meridian
Thyroid – Triple burner meridian. The EI 9 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.

Energetic Integrator 9 – (Thyroid – Triple burner meridian)
Energetic Integrator 9 is associated with the regulation of many body functions including those listed below. The EI 9 Infoceutical has been designed to restore the bioenergetic integrity of this Integrator where field errors have disrupted its function.
Correlation Keynotes
Thyroid gland and thyroid function.
Links the three primary body cavities: cranium, thorax and abdominal.
Endocrine – Bioenergetic Correlations
Thyroid gland (entire organ), pituitary gland, adrenal medulla (adrenal cortex is EI 10).
Other systems – Bioenergetic Correlations Mitral valve, vagina (also EI 10), mucus membranes (all body).
Neural – Bioenergetic Correlations
Lateral ventricles of the brain.
Elements – Bioenergetic Correlations
Iodine, selenium, ionic chlorine, calcium-sodium relationship.
Emotions – Bioenergetic Correlations
Confidence, courage, quiet, afraid, silent, mood swings, hyperactive emotions, ability to verbalize.
EMF- Electromagnetic Frequency & EMF Smog
EMF is designed to help with fatigue associated with the effects of Electro Magnetic Frequencies (E Smog). Works with low frequencies such as main power cables, medium frequencies such as computers, mobile phones, radio transmitters and higher frequencies such as X rays.
- Headaches
- Poor concentration
- Heart palpitations
- Variations in blood pressure, high and low
- Immunity depletion
- Radiation from electro magnetic fields that can interfere with HBF (human big field)
ES 1 Lymph Immunity and General Radiation
ES 1 Infoceutical correlates bioenergetically to the lymph system’s immune function (cell mediated immune system or specific resistance system removal of bacteria, parasites, fungi and cancer cells) and may be beneficial

Energetic Star 1 – Lymph Immunity and General Radiation
This Energetic Star for immunity comes first in the star series, indicating the body’s priority for maintaining a robust immune system. The ES 1 field correlates to the body-field’s and body’s overexposure to manmade and natural electromagnetic radiation (radio waves, computers, mobile phones, radar, solar radiation etc) and to the nervous system and viruses or viral particles that can invade it and inhibit its functions. The field generated by ES 1 may correlate bioenergetically to issues such as manic depression, hypersensitivity to light and sound, and migraines.
ES 1 Infoceutical correlates bioenergetically to the lymph system’s immune function (cell mediated immune system or specific resistance system removal of bacteria, parasites, fungi and cancer cells) and may be beneficial when that system needs to be strengthened or re-established.
The ES 1 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically assist the catalytic properties of the body-field that may ‘kick start’ the body’s immune systems where there appear to be weak.
The ES 1 Infoceutical also is designed to bioenergetically assist the body to release heat from absorbed electromagnetic radiation and to correct for an over energized body-field, which may result from overexposure to radiation.
Use of the ES 1 Infoceutical in a protocol that is focused on the Energetic Terrains may enhance that protocol, as this Infoceutical generally complements Terrain work.
Use ES 1 with care initially. Use minimal dosages for children and clients sensitive to electricity and electro-smog.
Some clients report temporary responses that may include dark urine, dry mouth, headaches, feelings of heat in the head, and aches in the urinary genital tract.
Additional Note
Mixing the Energetic Driver 14 Infoceutical and ES 1 Infoceutical (in that order) in a single glass of water and consuming immediately has been found to correlate to a strong normalizing, or bioenergetically corrective, effect on specific aspects of the body’s immune systems:
The humoral (antibody) immune system including IgA, IgD, IgG, IgM.
Red and yellow bone marrow (granular white blood cells formation).
Reticulo-endothelial cells (cells that ingest red blood cells, bacteria and foreign particles).
Phagocyte cells (cells that ingest bacteria, other cells and foreign particles).
ES 10 Stress – Video processing
ES 10 Infoceutical has been designed to unblock energy fields compromised by stress and visual issues and spport relief from stress caused by exposure to a sight that provokes strong emotional responses. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may come under this..

This Energetic Star is bioenergetically associated with two principal issues: stress and interpretation of visual patterns. If you cannot see things well enough, your survival is threatened. According to bioenergetics, stress and the inability to take in visual information are related, and they correlate to functional problems with the visual cortex and thalamus. From the bioenergetic perspective, stress also may be defined as the failure of the body to create a coherent Big Body Wave.
ES 10 Infoceutical has been designed to unblock energy fields compromised by stress and visual issues.
ES 10 Infoceutical may bioenergetically support relief from stress caused by exposure to a sight that provokes strong emotional responses. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder may come under this category.
ES 10 Infoceutical has been designed to bioenergetically support correct visual perception and aid those with learning difficulties who need to process visual information more quickly.
The following areas of the brain are bioenergetically linked with this Star: optic cortex, optic thalamus, motor neurons (but not motor cortex) and the optic interpretation center of cortex.
ES 11 Male Energy
ES 11 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically address distortions in the blood supply to various endocrine centers in the body, and also to bioenergetically support a cleansing of endocrine tissues, which may promote male charisma’.

Male social abilities, attractiveness, sexual performance and charisma are enhanced by an unhindered endocrine function. From a bioenergetics perspective, Source energy is essential for correct endocrine function and male performance. This Star also is energetically linked with personal qualities such as personal charisma, attractiveness, confidence, will power, social warmth and a general feeling of well-being.
ES 11 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically address distortions in the blood supply to various endocrine centers in the body, and also to bioenergetically support a cleansing of endocrine tissues, which may promote male charisma’.
ES 11 Infoceutical also is designed to correct distortions in specific Energetic Integrators to facilitate the bioenergetic integration of the hormonal system.
When first using ES 11 Infoceutical, some clients report ‘detoxification’ symptoms. Extra water intake is recommended in the early stages of the use of this Infoceutical.
Clients also report a general feeling of well-being when using this Infoceutical.
ES 12 Female Energy
ES 12 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically address the blood supply to various endocrine centers in the body, and also to promote a cleansing effect on the endocrine tissues, which may promote female ‘charisma’.

Energetic Star 12 – (Female Energy)
Female social abilities, attractiveness, sexual performance and charisma are enhanced by an unhindered endocrine function. The hormonal cycle of women is complex, and for balanced health the endocrine glands and receptor sites need to work as well as they can.
ES 12 Infoceutical is designed to bioenergetically address the blood supply to various endocrine centers in the body, and also to promote a cleansing effect on the endocrine tissues, which may promote female ‘charisma’.
ES 12 Infoceutical is designed to correct distortions in specific Energetic Integrators to facilitate the bioenergetic integration of the hormonal system.
Because of the apparent bioenergetic regulating effect of this Star, it correlates to issues of menopause regulation and menses regulation, and so may support the correction of distortions in those areas.
ES 12 Infoceutical may bioenergetically support the body’s natural ability to allow other endocrine glands to take over when other glands have been removed.
From a bioenergetics perspective, aiding hormonal integration is correlated to correction of emotional issues, such as frigidity, fear of people and lack of confidence. It may provide an overall boost to one’s sense of happiness.
Some clients report feeling ‘detoxification’ symptoms after starting the ES 12 Infoceutical. Extra water intake is recommended.
ES 12 Infoceutical should be used with caution with clients taking synthetic hormones. Start at a low number of drops, and monitor your client’s progress. If the client’s endocrine system starts to normalize naturally, then the use of synthetic hormones may need to be reviewed by the client’s physician.